1. Start the day with a glass of warm/room temperature water with a squeeze of lemon juice to stimulate your digestion and alkalise your body
Your body is busy detoxifying overnight and is often a bit acidic in the mornings as result. Warm water with a squeeze of lemon helps to hydrate and gently stimulates peristalsis, which is the nervous and muscular movement within your digestive system. The lemon juice, whilst acidic in your mouth ( so if you're worried about your teeth enamel, you might prefer to just have warm water minus the lemon juice).

2. Include more greens in your diet
Green foods are rich in chlorophyll which helps to cleanse and alkalise your blood. They are also rich in nutrients. Include more spinach and other salad greens in your diet daily. Steamed greens from the Brassica family which are in season now are great for supporting your liver. eg.brocoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage. Bitter greens will also stimulate your ddigestion and support your liver- great options are rocket and endive lettuce.

Movement doesn't have to mean going to the gym unless that is what you enjoy! Find exercise which you enjoy. Make a point of getting out of the house or office for a walk around the block EVERY day or park further away when you're picking up and dropping off kids as school. Movement gets your circulation going and fresh air is invigorating and can instantly give you a lift in both energy and mood. Winter could be the perfect time to try something new like Hot Yoga!  Many people let their movement or exercise slide during the winter but it's important to keep it up, even if you need to modify how and when you do it.

4. Regularly go outside for fresh air

If you're not exercising outdoors, make sure that you make time to get outside for fresh air, even in short bursts. It can be invigorating to rug up and get out in the fresh air. Make a point of breathing deeply whilst you're out there as this can be helpful for your immune system. Being indoors with heating and stale air can really sap your energy. Even a quick few minutes can do wonders for your energy levels, sense of vitality and clarity.

5. Make sure you're keeping your fluids up
You may be less thirsty in Winter but water helps to move things through your digestive system as well as being essential for so many processes within your body. Even mild dehydration will effect your mood and energy levels. Being inside with heating can also add to deydration. Many people forget to drink enough water during the cold weather or find water unappealing- green tea or herbal teas are good alternatives to plain water which provide warmth and also keep you hydrated.

5.Set some some small goals that you can take step towards now
When we're feeling a bit sluggishness rather than wallow in it, setting some small goals can spur us into positive action. What small step can you do right now which will set you on the path towards feeling healthier and more energised? SMART goals are helpful SUSTAINABLE,MEASUREABLE, REALISTIC, TIME SPECIFIC eg. Increasing movement and exercise "I will walk around the block at lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will go to Hot Yoga on Thursdays"

Winter doesn't have to mean sluggishness, we often just need to reframe how we're approaching things and modify to suit the season!


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