Help! My last period was really unpleasant!

Help! My last period was really unpleasant!

I talk often with women about seeing their period as being a bit like a monthly report card. How you feel in the lead up and during your period and any symptoms that you experience at that time can really let you know how well you have looked after yourself throughout...
Simple Ways To Overcome Winter Sluggishness

Simple Ways To Overcome Winter Sluggishness

1. Start the day with a glass of warm/room temperature water with a squeeze of lemon juice to stimulate your digestion and alkalise your body Your body is busy detoxifying overnight and is often a bit acidic in the mornings as result. Warm water with a squeeze of...
The Myth of The Perfect Diet

The Myth of The Perfect Diet

The myth of the one perfect diet- Frequently, in social situations when I meet someone and the discussion turns to what we do for work and I share that I am a Naturopath, a common response is “Oh you must have the perfect diet, tell me what to eat”. If only it was a...
Change doesn’t have to be hard!

Change doesn’t have to be hard!

How do you feel about change? Is there something in your life which you know you need to change? What is holding you back? Change is an inevitable and constant part of life and whilst change can sometimes feel scary or too hard, resistence to change or to moving...
Simple Ways To Overcome Winter Sluggishness

Pyroluria and Social Anxiety

Pyroluria and social anxiety, depression or hormonal imbalance What is Pyroluria? Pyroluria is a little known, but not entirely uncommon condition which involves deficiencies of several key nutrients which lead to symptoms of anxiety (especially social anxiety),...
Struggling with Insomnia & Desperately Seeking Sleep

Struggling with Insomnia & Desperately Seeking Sleep

Struggling with Insomnia? Desperately Seeking Sleep? Read on for tips to reclaim a good night's sleep! Sleep. It is so important for your health and well-being and lack of it can have a huge impact on how you feel. Like many Mums (and many of the women who I work...