Headaches can really affect quality of life and the ability to function on a daily basis.

Many women experience headaches on a regular basis and rely on taking pain relief medication regularly to manage.

Before turning to medications, there are some fantastic natural options that can reduce headache pain.

Ideally we also want to look into why you're getting headaches so that you can know the most effective way to not only manage the pain, but to prevent them.

The most common causes of headaches:


Stress is often the cause behind headaches.

Many of us tend to hold tension in our neck, shoulders and jaw which leads to headaches. Stress also creates acidity and inflammation in the body so it will cause a further flare of existing low-level inflammation.


One of the questions that I always ask at a first consult is "how much water do you drink each day on average?".

Nine times out of the ten the answer is "not enough".

Many of us already know that we're not drinking enough water. Lack of water causes dehydration and is a really common headache trigger.

Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral which is crucial to many different functions and reactions within the body.

BUT did you know that up to 80% of the population have a magnesium deficiency?!

Magnesium is a key nutrient to consider when you're prone to headaches.

When you're under stress, you exercise a lot, you regularly consume sugar or caffeine or if you would describe yourself as being a bit of a 'worrier' you're likely to be depleting your magnesium levels.

In-turn the deficiency of this much needed nutrient is giving you those nasty headaches.


Headaches mid-cycle, just before or during your period can be triggered by hormonal fluctuations.

It is possible to support your body to manage the hormonal swings throughout your cycle more efficiently so that you don't experience the headaches each month.

Headaches are not just a 'normal part of being a woman'!

Fatigue or Lack of Sleep

Chronic tiredness or not getting enough sleep is a very common trigger for headaches.

Lack of quality sleep can also cause susceptibility to blood sugar fluctuations and reduces resistance to stress.

This often leads to inflammation and increased tension held in the body which leaves you with a nasty headache!

Many women experience what they call 'tired headaches'...

Other mineral/vitamin deficiency

Sometimes iron, B12 or folic acid deficiency can also contribute to painful headaches.

Food intolerance or sensitivity

Often there are particular foods or food chemicals which can trigger headaches for some people.

Food chemicals like msg or preservatives and colours can be triggers for some people. Or, the trigger may be a naturally occurring food chemical like glutamates or tyramines.

If you you have a sensitivity to a particular food, this can lead to an inflammatory response and trigger a headache. Any food can potentially cause this if you are intolerant to it.

Chemical sensitivity

Chemicals in cleaning products, perfume or other cosmetics can trigger headaches.

Other headache triggers include:

Sinus congestion/allergies, eye strain, thyroid issues, blood sugar swings.

When you know your trigger, you can treat and prevent the cause, not just the symptom. Treating the cause is a much more effective and healthy way to approach headache pain management.

Need help with headaches? Book an appointment today.

Online or Clinic appointments available.


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