Unfortunately many of us are deficient in various minerals which has consequences for our physical, mental and emotional health. Whilst there are many wonderful herbs to support hormones, along with diet and lifestyle elements, until we address the body's underlying mineral balance, we're only able to improve health so far.. Your needs for certain vitamins and mineral can increase at particular times in your life (ie. perimenopause/menopause) and in response to things going on in your life eg. a period of stress or illness.
Hormone balance is a continuous symphony, affected and influenced by so many factors including your diet, your lifestyle, your sleep and your stress levels.

Making sure that you're getting enough of the vitamins and minerals essential to your hormone production and harmony is important as if you're missing the building blocks needed, this delicate balance is affected.

Aside from making sure that you're eating a balanced, varied wholefood diet, and supplementing where necessary, periodically checking your mineral balance through a hair mineral analysis test is an effective way to see whether you're taking in and absorbing enough of these key minerals for hormone balance.

A hair mineral analysis shows you your body's mineral balance over the past 3 months, rather than with a blood test which is a snap shot of how much of a mineral is present in your blood at the time of the test. It's a great way to get in depth look at how your body is responding to your current diet and lifestyle. This allows you to know whether your body is currently getting all that it needs through your diet or whether you may need some nutritional support through supplements specifically tailored to you.

Additional to seeing your body's mineral balance, a hair mineral analysis also provides us information on:
-your metabolism
-your digestion
-your nervous system,
-thyroid and adrenal function plus
-identifying toxic heavy metal build up that could be affecting your health.

The hair mineral analysis test costs $195 for first test + report and $175 for subsequent comparative tests. You'll receive a really detailed report on the mineral balance of your body and how this impacts your overall health.

To book a short appointment to discuss a referral hair mineral analysis test follow this link: https://blossomwellbeing.as.me/acute-phone-consultation (for current or returning clients)

Or if you're due for a review appointment and would like to discuss a referral for a hair mineral analysis along with checking in with everything else, you can book a longer appointment here:

New clients will need to have an initial naturopathic consultation prior to referral. Initial consultations can be booked here: https://blossomwellbeing.as.me/initial-consultation

Have a great week,


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